Archive Pics

Death Throngs


Feb16th 2006

A bunch of flowers, the final moments standing defiant against looming dehydration. What do you expect they have no roots.

Amazon Frog


Feb26th 2006

A day out at blue planet

Green Fish What is your name?

Green Fish

A green fish, who informs me is called blue blaze, he doesn't know his species as he is quite isolated.

New photo album uploaded 11th June2006 Woodland

Snow Kids


We thought the kids had been quiet. But we really had no idea we'd left them in the garden all night.

Silver Lake

Silver Lake

Picture taken 1990 ish manipulated 2004 ish
BC Canada
Name of lake forgotten, Somewhere around Grand Forks maybe.


Country tea garden

A rare day out in the British sun


Silver Birch

Dove cot flower

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