Beer Quest

Oikofugic DesignOikofugic at Myspace

Introducing the Beer Mat

The Beer Mat

On the Beer mat this week, we have: Fox's Nob

Fox's Nob

Local folk law tells of a fox that lived in and around the old Highgate and Walsall brewery. Although frequent sightings of the fox were recorded no one ever caught more than a glimpse of the animals head as he darted amongst the barrels.
The old English word for head is nob and this beer is named after that elusive fox.

A rather nice beer, I drink far too many not nearly enough. Depending on which way you lean, the time spent enjoying the brew could account for the current state of the site, and my other projects.

A good thing, or a bad thing.. You decide


Fizzy Alc

Not really a beer, obviously, but a pressie from my sister to celebrate the fact that we finally got the keys to the new house. It has alc in and it is an unusual situation, so I feel it deserves a place on the beer mat. Also have four tins of John Smiths to accompany the fizzy jizzzy.