
Database driven websites.

You got to start somewhere-right. So anyway, I went out and bought a copy of Larry Ullmans book. PHP and MySQL for dynamic websites. It seems to me that this is the next stage in my development. The book says I'm going to need..

  • Apache
  • PHP
  • Mysql

So I still don't know exactly what I am doing, but in the back of my mind I'd like to power a html form with php. I currently use an external company to do this for my site. It is a very good free service, but it has it's limitations. This isn't a problem as yet, due to a lack of traffic through here, but with luck and hard work I hope to change that and am looking to be prepared. So I've gone to MySQL Downloads and downloaded version 5. Following the steps, the instillation and configuration.
Execute... Check back for updates and progress as and when I make some. Please be patient. It might be some time.

Word Press Feb 1st 2006

A change in direction

A couple of weeks have gone by since I downloaded MySQL, and in the time that has passed I discovered Word Press, WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.

This program utilises MySQL and PHP on your web server.
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Finding a suitable web host

Awardspace a new host, sister of the classic atspace, have come up with the goods. I applied for an account and was signed up instantly, very excited at this point. Set up a name for my new database ahaa, checked out the control center. Scratches head.

Uploading Word Press

I followed the 5 minute instillation instructions, updated the php config file with the database details etc. uploaded to the server. All went smoothly apart from a couple of errors on my part. Saving the php.config as php.config.txt, didn't help, twidled about and got it sorted.

Themes Feb 2nd 2006

Is it me, or do you sometimes have to shut the pc down to clear your head?
I've been playing around with the themes for a couple of days now, not all going to plan, but beginning to make progress.

Just testing, This is where we are at. Oikofugic Design

And this is where we want to be.

It seems the guys hosting some excelent extensions to this site are having a few problems, hit the link, try your luck, belief and the odd bit of inspiration

Inspiration Feb 4th 2006

Mani' s screenshot

Some ground to travel. Some initial Layout Problems

First PHP Page Feb 27th 2006

Word Press is going to take a back seat for a little while, give myself a chance to work through this book. Check this link to see your system details. Predefined Variables.

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