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1. Relating to the philosophy or theories of aesthetics.
2. Of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste: the aesthetic faculties.
3. Characterized by a heightened sensitivity to beauty.
4. Artistic: The play was an aesthetic success.
5. Informal. Conforming to accepted notions of good taste.

Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus. C 475-524AD.

Roman Philosopher and Politician

Born of a patrician Roman family, he studied in Athens and later produced the translations and commentaries on Aristole and Porphyry that became standard textbooks on logic in Medieval Europe. He was made Consul in AD 510 during the Gothic occupation of Rome and later chief minister to the ruler Theodoric, but in 523 he was accused of traeson and imprisoned in Pavia, and was executed the following year. It was during his imprisonment that he wrote the famous

De Consolatience philosopiae (The Consolation of philosophy)

In which philosophy personified solaces the distraught author by explaining the mutability of all earthly fortune and the insecurity of everything except virtue. The consolation was for the next thousand years probably the most widely read book after the bible. He is sometimes described as the last of the Roman philosophers, the first of the scholastic theologians.

Butterfly effect

Sensitive dependence on initial conditions..(ref)


Dion lies immediately to the left of the deep Enipeus gorge, which penetrates the heart of olympos


The moment (or the point) at which the sun apparently crosses the celestial equator; the point of intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator. (ref)

KLY Kilo-light year

KLY Kilo-light year= 1,000 light-years LY.
Light Year. The unit of distance travelled by light in one earth year. At 186,000 miles per second /300,000 km per second, a light year is nearly 10 million million km.(ref)


The space between the border and content of an element.(ref)

Sciurus Vulgaris Eurasion Red Squirrel

A small tree dwelling squirrel; coat reddish-brown (dark brown or white forms exist); inhabits woodland, especially coniferous forest.(ref)

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