Aerial Kate Bush
Katie's back on the scene
The new double album has been out since December 17th,
but I admit to only just buying it today.
Only listened to parts of it so far, but I like what I hear.
Master of the game
First book I have read by this author, not bad so far, He was a determined chap that Jamie McGregor. The book traces Jamie and his journey in quest for diamonds. He travels from Scotland to Africa, where the family dynasty begins. He finds his diamonds, only to be conned out of his share, mugged and left for dead. He survives blah blah, with vengence on his mind.... His fortune is later secured, through heroic determination. The story then proceeds into the life of his descendants, who work tirelessly to consolidate and expand the family business. A couple of little twists with children/grandchildren, but no real point to the whole soap opera. The ending dissapointing and unbelievable, but to be fair he gets you turning the pages.
David Gray Life in Slow Motion
One of the best contemporary albums I have heard in recent years.
He's done more albums than you think as well. I'll just say check it out you might be surprised.