General Ramble April14th 2006
These pages are a place for all the other stuff.
Don't know what to expect, but I'm lookinfg forward to this series none-the-less. Another Alien series to leave us feeling confused and manipulated? Read More
Liams Land
This is Liams contribution to the websphere.
Jump into Liams
New Mountain Bike
I hope the back wheel and seat that was stolen from my previous bike, enable those who stole them to afford a new sexy one like this. New Bike
Zapdos is the legendery bird Pokemon that has the ability to control electricity. Usually lives in thunder clouds and gains power when struck by lightning.
Apparently this pokemon is me if I were a Pokemon, so I'm informed, I had to put it up here as a confirmation of the mental underworld they inhabit. I am quite pleased, he looks very cool. Dont read more if you respect your sanity
The Wider Community May28th 2006
Thanks to all those free resources.
When designing the graphic side of your site, it sometimes becomes necassary to look elcewhere for the perfect image to capture a mood, or provoke a response.
Above page a work in progress, links will be added as I organise this chaos.